Myanmar earns $112m from mineral export in 3 months.
来源:中国—东盟博览会    时间:2023-08-03 01:14:23



Myanmar earned over 112.41 million U.S. dollars from mineral export in over three months of the 2023-24 fiscal year, which started in April, the Ministry of Commerce figures showed Monday.

The revenue from the export of mineral products between April 1 and July 21 this year was down, compared to 118.72 million dollars earned in the same period a year earlier, the ministry"s data showed.

Of the mineral export, goods worth 91.947 million dollars were exported from the private sector, the figures show.

The Southeast Asian country earned 337.80 million dollars from the mineral export during the 2022-23 fiscal year, show the ministry"s figures.

Myanmar mainly exports agricultural, animal and marine products, minerals, forest products and manufactured goods to its foreign trade partners, including China, Thailand, Bangladesh and India, according to the commerce ministry.

Source: Xinhua



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